Chandigarh: Apna Punjab Media: Shiromani Akali Dal (Akali Dal) leader Bikram Singh Majithia will not appear before the Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the multi-crore drug smuggling case today. He has told the SIT that one of his cases is being heard in Amritsar court today. Whereas the same case is being heard in the Supreme Court on July 23. In such a situation, they should be given the next date after this. Bikram Singh Majithia was called to Patiala for questioning. However, earlier when this summons was issued, the Akali Dal had called the matter politically motivated. Last month, when SIT had issued notice to Bikram Singh Majithia, he had approached the High Court regarding this matter. Majithia told the court that he was being harassed by repeatedly sending summons. However, he got relief from the High Court. The court had barred the SIT from interrogating him till July 8. But when the hearing was held again on July 8, the SIT withdrew the summons issued. After this he was summoned again. The police had registered this case against Majithia 3 years ago on December 20, 2021, during the Congress government. After this he also had to go to jail. After 5 months in jail, Majithia was granted bail on 10 August 2022. Majithia alleges that no charge sheet has been filed in the case in which he is in jail. Also, no recovery has been made from them in this matter.