New York: Apna Punjab Media: Renowned Indian-American aerospace scientist Dr. Vivek Lal has been selected as a visiting fellow of the prestigious Hoover Institution of Stanford University. One of the world’s most influential think tanks, the Hoover Institution is a leading research center dedicated to policy ideas that promote economic prosperity, national security, and democratic governance. Lal is the chief executive officer of General Atomics Global Corporation, a release said. Lal was appointed to the post of Principal Advisor to the US Department of Transportation in 2018. He previously served as vice president of aeronautics strategy and business development at Lockheed Martin, the world’s largest defense company, the Hoover Institution reports. Lal also played a key role in policy formulation and implementation in the areas of broadband and cyber security as Special Advisor to the United Nations in New York. He was also the founding co-chair of the US-India Aviation Cooperation Program launched in 2005.