New York: Apna Punjab Media: Immigrants are being stopped by Border Patrol police in America. People have been clearly told that there is no longer any room for refugees in America. President Biden’s executive orders are being strictly followed. Now this path has been closed even for those people who should have got entry into America. Clear instructions have been given to the officials that no one should be allowed to enter illegally.
There is no question of giving shelter to illegal people in America. Now immigrants are not even processed at the US border. Because every year millions of immigrants try to enter America and are caught. Many of them say they have been tortured or persecuted, but US Border Patrol officials do not believe so. Border Patrol makes it clear that what happens to you in your country is none of our business. Not only this, Border Patrol officials have made it clear that no one will be given asylum in America. And we have given clear orders to President Biden.
Immigrants will no longer be able to enter the US illegally, the Border Police has issued a high alert

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