New Delhi: Apna Punjab Media: A total of 11 candidates, including Union Minister of State Ravneet Singh Bittu, have filed their nomination papers today for the elections to be held for Rajya Sabha seats in various states. Bittu has filed nomination papers as a BJP candidate for the Rajya Sabha by-election from Rajasthan. Bittu filed his nomination papers at the office of Returning Officer Mahavir Prasad Sharma in the Assembly building here. Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma was also with him on this occasion. Earlier, Bittu participated in the BJP legislature party meeting and thanked the party for making him the Rajya Sabha candidate from Rajasthan. Today was the last day for filing nominations. Nomination papers will be scrutinized on August 22, while candidates can withdraw their names till August 27. If necessary, voting will be held on September 3 from 9 am to 4 pm. Counting of votes will be done on the same day.